Our Very First Pop-up
With all humble gratitude, we, too, were visited by many enthusiastic customers. The samples of tea on our crisp-white kozara’s that were laid out atop our signature matcha-green noren certainly made for an eye-catching display. Alongside our teas, customers could also purchase a near-full selection of our teawares on the spot. Although we had expected our bestselling matcha - The Regal - to take the crown that day, The Popstar, our single estate Genmaicha, took the stage by storm. But perhaps that shouldn’t come as a surprise— she is a popstar, after all.
During the event, we spoke a lot about the origin of our teas and our mission to make tea an integrated part of contemporary living.
“Actually talking about our brand out loud to an audience really makes a difference”, reflects Ami, our senior strategist who manned the booth throughout the evening.
Vibrant conversations with our customers over cups of cold brewed genmaicha (or maybe that got switched to white wine at some point) brought the team together with a renewed sense of motivation. It is an empowering experience to voice the value of work.
Friday only the marked the first of many pop-ups that a | round tea hopes to do in the future.
We are excited to share more about our growing journey.